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Frequently asked questions related to privacy

What is privacy?

Privacy is your individual right to retain control over the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information.

What is breach of privacy?

Breach of privacy, confidentiality or security refers to the unauthorized access, collection, use, or disclosure of any personal information or personal health information.

What is personal health information?

Personal health information, means identifying information about an individual in oral or recorded form, if the information relates to the physical or mental health of the individual, including information that consists of the medical history of the individual’s family, and is consistent with the definition as set out in relevant privacy and health privacy legislation.

What is NOT personal information?

Any data that has been collected in which all personal identifiers have been removed, such that the information could not reasonably be used to identify the individual, is not considered personal information.

What does MedChart do with my health information?

With your consent, MedChart helps you consolidate and access your health information on a secure online account. Specifically, we:

- collect copies of your official medical records from your healthcare providers;

- if necessary, convert your paper records into an electronic format, and promptly and securely dispose of the paper copy; upload the electronic copy of your records onto a secure, encrypted online database;

- allow you to access these records on your personal password-protected Portal on our website;

- and allow you to authorize other users (such as your healthcare provider or family member) to securely access your records.

How does MedChart protect my personal information?

MedChart operates with several safeguards to ensure the privacy of your personal information, including administrative, physical and technical safeguards:

- MedChart’s Privacy Policy governs the way in which all employees manage client information. Concern for your privacy is our top priority and is engrained in the company culture. In addition, all MedChart employees must sign a confidentiality agreement as a condition of employment.

- MedChart implements facility access controls and workstation security to protect client information.

- MedChart uses the industry-leading encryption technologies used by the major banks to secure your information, and continuously monitors and upgrades our systems on new developments. We have role-based access controls to ensure employees only manage information if and when necessary.

- Access to your online profile and medical records is protected by your personal login details. An optional 2-factor authentication system (a verification code sent to your registered cell phone or email at time of login) minimizes the chances of unauthorized access in case your login details have been lost or stolen.

Who does MedChart give my health information to?

MedChart only discloses your health information to you and anybody you have expressly consented that we disclose information to (e.g. substitute decision-maker, family member, healthcare provider). MedChart does not sell your personal information or personal health information to anybody.

What is a substitute decision-maker?

If you are unable to give consent with regards to your personal information due to reasons of competency or consciousness, the consent decision falls to the lawfully-appointed substitute decision-maker such as a parent or guardian. This person is bound by law to act on your behalf and must make decisions based on their belief of what you would wish done if you were able to decide.

Can my spouse/partner/family/friends ask MedChart for access to my personal health information?

No, MedChart cannot disclose any of your personal information unless you have given express consent to disclose information to that individual or that individual is your substitute decision-maker.

If the portal changes the terms of use, is it my responsibility to check the terms of use to determine a change has been made?

We will frequently update the terms of use and notifications of these changes will be published on the website as well as in a quarterly newsletter sent to users. On the terms of use page, you will see the date of the most recent update. We suggest that you check the terms of use regularly to see updated information.

If I don’t agree to a change in the terms of use, do I need to stop using the portal?

If you don’t agree with our terms of use, you have the option to stop using our portal. You may download all of your Personal Health Information and delete your account in which case your information is permanently erased from the MedChart servers.

Does my Personal Health Information become MedChart property to do with what you want? No. What if you remove my name and address? Does MedChart own my information now?

The process for de-identification of Personal Health Information is strictly regulated by the Ministry of Health. Occasionally we may need to use de-identified information, for example, to present user statistics. This process is fully compliant with government regulations.

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