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How to Integrate Filevine with Medchart

This article will describe how to initiate your Filevine/Medchart integration. Please follow all of the steps outlined below. If you have any questions, please reach out to your Medchart Sales Representative. 

1. Follow Filevine's instructions on how to Set Up API v2. You can find those instructions here: https://support.filevine.com/hc/en-us/articles/360032298611-Setting-Up-API-v2 

If you experience any issues on the Filevine portal while completing those steps, please contact: [email protected] for assistance.

2. Login to your Filevine Developer Portal account at https://portal.filevine.io.

3. Click on Keys in the menu on the left-hand side of the screen.

4. Click the Create new key button

5. Enter "Medchart" in the Purpose field and select "Core: API" as your Scope. Click Create once done.

6. Copy the API Key and Key Secret. Please send an email to your Sales Representative with these keys. They will see to having them used to link your Medchart and Filevine accounts.

Congratulations! You are all set! Our Sales and Customer Success teams will see to integrating your account and will be in touch with next steps.

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