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How to Download/Print Authorizations

1. Click on the "Dashboard" button at the top of the left navigation menu.

2. Under the Quick Access section, click on the "Download Consent Forms" button.

3. In the pop-up window, select the consent form(s) that you need and press "Print Selected Consents". A file with all your selected blank consent forms will be downloaded to your computer. These blank consent forms are not specific to any client.

4. Print out copies of these blank consent forms and ask your clients to sign ONLY THE SIGNATURE FIELD. Please leave all other fields blank, including the client name, date and witness, as these will be automatically filled by the system when you checkout your record request

Note: For best results when scanning and uploading paper consent forms back into MedChart, please strive to not make any marks outside the black border or on the barcode at the top-right.

If you would like to edit how your organization's name is displayed at the top of the consent forms, please ask your organization's Global Administrator to configure this under the "Account Information" menu.

Great job! You now know how to find the blank MedChart paper consent forms!

If you have questions or feedback, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]

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