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How to Request Alberta NetCare Records

NOTE: You cannot submit this request unless there is a signed copy of the Alberta NetCare Authorization on your client's profile. Please request their e-signature for the AB NetCare authorization through their consent tab on the client's profile. Alternatively, you can download and print a copy of the form for your client to manually sign by navigating to your Dashboard, then clicking "Download Consent Forms" to download the Alberta NetCare form. 

Once your client has signed the authorization, please upload the authorization to their consent tab within the client's profile for approval, then proceed with the following steps: 

1. Go to your client's profile. Enter their name in the search bar at the top of the screen and click the entry.

2. Click the New Request button in the top right corner of the client's profile.

3. Enter "alberta netcare" in the Search New Provider search bar and click Search.

4. Click the entry for Alberta Statement of Benefits Paid.

5. Review the details and click Select if you have chosen the correct type.

6. Choose the date range you require records for. Please note that the date range is automatically set to 7 years back from today's date, which is furthest back you can request for. Click Next.

7. At this point you can either Sign & Submit your request or Add [it] to Action Items.

Sign & Submit: Immediately witness the authorization and submit the request for processing. Please note that you will only be able to use this option if you have a signed copy of the Alberta SOBP Authorization on your client's profile.

Add to Action Items: Move the request to Action Items to sign and submit the request at a later time/date.

Congratulations! You have successfully created a request for Alberta NetCare Records. 

If you have any questions about this process or others, please reach out to our Customer Support Team at [email protected]

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