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Why your OHIP request has been rejected - Incorrect client signature format

If you have recently submitted an OHIP request and you have received an email indicating that your request has been returned, it might be due to the following reasons:

1. The client signature on the OHIP form is an electronic font

The Ministry of Health and Long-term Care require all authorization forms to be signed using wet ink or physically drawn using a computer mouse or trackpad.

As such, if the OHIP authorization that was submitted with a request contains a computer-generated signature for the client's signature, the Ministry will return the request. 

An example of an electronic, computer-generated font:

What should you do now?

Once the request has been rejected, it will be returned to your Action Items. 

We recommend using our eSignature feature to ensure that the signature is not computer-generated. 

Simply go to Action Items and click Missing Consent > Send eSign to Client


Once the client completes the form, you will receive an email notification upon which you can Submit the request from Action Items.

2. The client signature on the OHIP form has a DocuSign stamp

The Ministry of Health and Long-term Care require all authorization forms to be signed using wet ink or physically drawn using a computer mouse or trackpad.

As such, if the OHIP authorization that was submitted with a request contains a DocuSign stamp around the client's signature, it will be rejected and returned to us.

An example of a DocuSign stamp on a signature:


What should you do now?

Once the request has been rejected, it will be returned to your Action Items. 

We recommend using our eSignature feature to ensure that the signature will not contain a DocuSign stamp.

Simply go to Action Items and click Missing Consent > Send eSign to Client

Once the client completes the form, you will receive an email notification upon which you can Submit the request from Action Items.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our Customer Support Team at [email protected] 


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